Gym Ventilation

yellow ventilation fabric sock on the ceiling of a gym. people are using the equipment below

Gym Ventilation

We all know that fitness centres and gyms can be quite cramped spaces, with low ceilings and high occupancy per metre squared.

Fortunately, Prihoda fabric ducting comes in a variety of shapes and can be designed to fit into most situations using either round, half round, quarter round or ellipse shapes to deliver air into the workout spaces.

A large surface area allows lots of air distribution evenly across the gym space, at unnoticeable velocities, whilst keeping the space well ventilated and conditioned.  This stops the unpleasant stale air and odours associated with poor air movement at a much lower cost than an equivalent rigid duct and diffuser system can manage.

As a huge bonus, it’s aesthetic, can be “branded” and it’s cleanable.

For more information click here.

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